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  Gold Epithermal Gold Deposit Characteristic, Processes, Products, and Interpretation   Noel C. White SEG-MGEI Workshop, Mataram, Indonesia November 2010 Epithermal gold deposits A very important style of gold deposit -can be very big: 1. lihir, PNG 170 Mt @3.5g/ton Au 2. porgera, PNG 85 Mt @5.8 g/ton Au, 33g/ton Ag   -can be very rich: 1. cripple creek, USA 630 ton Au in veins grading 15-30 g/ton 2. Hishikari, Japan 220 ton au, Honko veins 70 g/ton Au, 49 g/ton Au   Ephitermal gold deposits are very important economically. Relative amount of gold (> 5 Moz deposits, 1997) 50% Witwatersrand 12% Epithermal 10% Porphry (+ Intrusion Hosted) 12% Sediment Hosted (Incl. 4%”carlin”) 9% greenstone lode (orogenic) 7% Other ( Fe Fm, VHMS, etc) Arribas, 2000   3 Categories Epitermal Deposit Gold 1.        Low Sulfidation’ 2.      ...

Dampak Sifat Tamak Terhadap Generasi Masa Depan

  Apakah layak sebagai seorang manusia memakan harta saudaranya sendiri, apakah kita benar benar membutuhkan ataukah hanya sekedar pelampiaasan dari kegagalan yang kita alami. Jika kita tidak mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan selama ini, bukan kemudian kita menghalalkan segala cara untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang dapat meringankan beban kehidupan. Biarlah semua sudah tertakar, jika diri kita merasa tidak mampu maka pencipta pun akan ikut mewujudkannya, padahal sejatinya kita mampu dan lebih dari cukup untuk bisa melaksanakanya sampai selesai. Andaikata pun ditengah jalan ada hal terjadi yang dalam kehidupan sehingga membuat kita menjadi tidak mampu lagi untuk menopang beban kehidupan itu, maka itupun sudah menjadi jalan hidup yang menimpanya, percayalah bawhasanya tuhan adalah pengatur kehidupan terbaik bagi ciptaanya. Jangan pernah kita memakan harta yang bukan hak kita, itu hanya akan mengotori hati kita dan menjauhkan diri kita dari tuhan. Tuhan tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita,...

Akankah Kita Terlahir Kembali ?

Apa yang aku rasakan sekarang sepertinya sudah menjadi hal biasa untuk setiap orang yang berumur seperti aku saat ini, dengan bekerja di kantor head office. Aku merasa sangat berterima kasih atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan, sehingga aku dapat mengenal kehidupan perkantoran di head office pusat kota Jakarta.hal ini tidak mengurangi semangatku untuk terus berkarya, memberikan karya-karya terbaik melalui pemikiran, ide-ide kreatif yang kemudian kuubah menjadi sebuah seni yang bisa dinikmati oleh banyak orang. Jalanan kota Jakarta setiap pagi dan sore selalu macet, terkecuali di hari sabtu dan minggu yang akan Nampak sedikit lengang. Seharusnya setiap hari aku bisa membuat berbagai karya, tidak hanya monoton dengan pekerjaan, dulu katanya pekerjaan itu akan selalu ada dan tidak ada habisnya, jadi sudah seharusnya kita usahakan untuk tetap bisa menikmati apa yang kita kerjakan. Pada dasarnya manusia normal akan selalu merasa tidak puas akan semua hal yang sudah ia dapatkan, dan itu men...

Sasmitaloka General Ahmad Yani ( Menpangad of Republic Indonesia )

  MUSEUM GENERAL AHMAD YANI Road Lembang, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat   Last day at Sunday 22 July 2024 We’re went to Sasmita Loka General Ahmad Yani, we went by motorcye and park in the area home there. Before we enter the museum in side of home to behind the home, there has recepcionist to manage people that will enter the museum, we must fill guest book. And give any money to the receptionist sincerely. We enter from behind the house, like as tragedy G30S-PKI happened. Then there’re door that will show area room that used before to joined family of General Ahmad Yani and in the left of the room, the’re are room that in there any clothes work of any general that killed in tragedy G30S-PKI and any heritage things from general and one of figure tiger Sumatera originally, and some painting of general ahmad yani. Then we continued again in before room, yeah…this room is room that functionaly to joining family general ahmad yani, in this room has long chair sofa and memori...

Kehidupan Lelaki Sejati

  Seorang lelaki sejati tak pernah menyesali keputusan yang dia ambil, sekali perahu dikayuh ke tengah dia akan tetap berlayar walaupun belum tentu ia akan bisa pulang kembali dengan selamat. Namun dia yakin akan berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk mencapai apa yang dia mau. Setiap pilihan kehidupan selalu memiliki konsekuensinya, terlepas dari pilihan baik ataupun buruk di dalamnya akan memberikan sebuah pengalaman yang akan berguna untuk dirinya sendiri ataupun untuk orang lain. Tentu setiap orang menginginkan pilihan terbaik dalam hidupnya, namun kehidupan tidak selalu memberikan apa yang kita mau, kehidupan selalu memberikan tantangan kepada setiap orang, tantangan yang ada akan memberikan kebahagiaan tersendiri disaat kita dapat menyelesaikanya. Tak ubahnya dalam hidup, proses pembelajaran berlangsung secara terus menerus selama kita masih bernafas. Bagi seorang anak laki-laki dia memegang peranan yang teramat krusial di dalam hidunya, sebelum dia berkeluarga dia bertanggung jawab ...

Hopefully Healthy and Happy

  Thank you Sir , Thank you Mom To dedicated all of time what you taken to me, therefore I’m being strong machine to broken easly in life. I praying you always be mine, togetherness with me in the world. I’m sure that you will be leave me in the next time, but I will adjust what I can do for you sir. I just become happinest person in many complicated situation, I believe that you has been learned to me become positifly in my life. In this night I wrote a story about my father, a seeing as a small but more impact to me. My age is 30 th in last June 2024, that means I have been live about 30 years, not little and not much for journey of live, in this time I also has a daughter, she is one of a reason that make me happy in every I open my eye, I will accompany her until she is adult, give learning about to being happy and success in the life.   My mom that until now still worker to payout my brother study, he will continued study to university, I hope he can find the best fa...

The names of part in Mining Area

 Source :  Mineral dan Batubara ( From this picture above we can indentified any item that should have in mine area, this imagery take from basemap imagery satellite google maps through by ministry ESDM, Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara. Pit is location where the source of deposit mineral or non mineral that have economicaly price taken. In coal of mine usually mined by open pit mining, and rarely to mining by underground. Coal from pit transported to ROM or intermediate stockpile, from here coal separated by seam or by characteristic calories or ash percentage. Disposal is location where the waste material or familiar as burden material moved from pit to place that in below didn’t any material economic, arranged again so will build like hill that have reguller bench, crest and toe. Workshop is location to repair or maintenance broken unit of mining like, excavator, dump truck, grader, dozer ect. Settling pond is location renormalization accumulate w...

Formasi Balikpapan

 BALIKPAPAN FORMATION (Tmbp) source :  Mineral dan Batubara ( Balikpapan Formation (Tmbp) Formasi Balikpapan show in map with green colour, depostite coal with low Cv Gar, coal calories in range 3000-4000 gar, with thick layering about 5 layer, this range calories in needed for blending coal only, rarely hard to sell for economis in this range of calories. This coal transport to Mahakan river, through belayan river didn’t needed long road, so can more effiecient.

Formasi Tanjung (Tet), Formasi Puruk Cahu (Tomc), Formasi Pamaluan (Tomp), dan Formasi Gunung Api Malasan (Tomv)

  ANALYSIS ROCK FORMATION Source:   Mineral dan Batubara ( 1.         Formasi Tanjung (Tet) Formasi ini berumur eosen, didalam peta ditunjukan dengan warna kuning, formasi ini menghasilkan endapan Batubara dengan kalori CV gar > 5000 kalori, dengan litologi batuan berupa batulempung, batupasir, Batubara dengan dominasi batulempung yang relative tebal. Batubara pada formasi ini termasuk medium kalori dengan multi seam. 2.        Formasi Puruk Cahu (Tomc) Formasi ini berumur oligosen-miosen, pada peta ditunjukan dengan warna hijau tua, formasi ini menghasilkan endapan Batubara dengan kalori gar > 5000 kalori dengan seam Batubara yang bervarasi antara 0.5m- 4 m didominasi perselingan batulempung dan batubasir. Batubara pada formasi ini termasuk Batubara medium kalori dengan multi seam, dan berumur lebih muda jika dibandingkan dengan Formasi Tanjung. 3.        Formasi Pamaluan (To...

Short Story of Succes Person

  EKA TJIPTA WIJAYA Persistent Enterpreneur Oei Ek Tjong prefer famous name with Eka Tjipta Widjaya. He was born in Quanzou- Chinese at 3 October 1923. At age 9 years old, he moved to Makasar Indonesia with his mother, followed his father that become seller .For 7 days 7 night, eka and his mom sailing to Makasar. They cant eating satisfied food and only slept in the badest place in the ship, because the money only remaining 5 dollar, even from moneylenders that total amount 150 dollar. After until in Makasar, the reality bussines his father not to good. His father only has a small shop as single source income. This condition that make Eka then to find money. Not to help covered all cost his family, at least want to helped pay bill mother from moneylenders. Every day, eka helped his father seeling. With persistent from less money then saving consistently, he can pay all bill his mother, although needed for 2 years. After complete pay bills, his father shop also running positiv...

About Dream at 45 Years Old

       Aku anak pertama yang bercita-cita untuk sukses. Jadi kebanggaan orang tua,mengangkat derajat orang tua, memiliki 5 cabang usaha yang aku dirikan dengan jerih payahku. Bebas finansial, banyak hari aku jalani dengan tegukan secangkir teh, kopi dan rokok sembari menikmati kicauan burung peliharaan dan ikan di akurarium megahku. Rumahku yang megah dan nyaman, cabang-cabang restoran yang selalu ramai pengunjung. Itulah impianku.      Kembali lagi ke waktu sekarang, dimana sore ini udara terasa dingin cuaca mendung di depan teras sebuah kamar kos beralaskan kursi plastik aku duduk membongkar imajinasi yang berada di otaku. Imajinasi yang kuharap itu anugerah dari Tuhan untuk aku olah sehingga bisa menghasilkan sebuah karya yang menginspirasi bagi pembacanya. Perjalan hidup yang tidak mudah, kekecewaan terkadang hadir dalam sebuah alur kehidupan dan kita terpaksa harus mengikutinya sampai berangsur-angsur reda, tak ubahnya permasalahan dalam hidup i...

The Art of Minimalism Life

  The Art of Minimalism Life All of our sure have any things that ever use in every day or just make happier when we have it than time flies have this thing feel didn’t any special. I rewrite opinion from fumio Sasaki about how to and impact from minimalism of life. Have things that we use only, not to much, make simply will make we happier long last than before. Not to adjust absolut consept ideal happy In our public have some standart ‘ sample happier that show way of life ideal, like get work permanently, married, have family, have two or three children then enjoy continue old age with grandchildren. That standart picture accept wide range in our country as happy life and much more from our journey and spot in our of life sure happy if all of that already reach. That’s wrong concept ! According positive psycology, branch physicology that learn about feel satisfied and self fulfilment show different concept and model about happy life . Sonja Lyubomirsky, 50% feeling hap...

Friday Evening in June 2024

This time I work after go back from my town in klaten central java, unfotrunatelly I feel if work as a worker in site more has benefit than in office especially in Head Office. In site we get 2 weeks off in every 8 weeks work and all facility like eating, laundry, ticketing already serve by company, in another hand if we work in head office we only get holiday twice in every week and red calender/holiday together although we can life together with our family every day. I hope from this I can finished my building home, so I can dedice with prefer easy to continue at another company, I will try again company of mining that seeing worker to job in site. In this day my age is 29 th years old and one month again become 30 th years old it’s not easy for many gentle in Indonesia. I have one brother that in this year will continue to study in university, but at this time when I wrote this, he didn’t get university with major that he want, I sad now but I hope for him to get major that he lik...