The Art of Minimalism Life
The Art of Minimalism Life
All of our sure have any things that ever use in every day or
just make happier when we have it than time flies have this thing feel didn’t
any special. I rewrite opinion from fumio Sasaki about how to and impact from
minimalism of life. Have things that we use only, not to much, make simply will
make we happier long last than before.
Not to adjust absolut consept ideal happy
In our public have some standart ‘ sample happier that show way
of life ideal, like get work permanently, married, have family, have two or three
children then enjoy continue old age with grandchildren. That standart picture
accept wide range in our country as happy life and much more from our journey
and spot in our of life sure happy if all of that already reach.
That’s wrong concept !
According positive psycology, branch physicology that learn
about feel satisfied and self fulfilment show different concept and model about
happy life. Sonja Lyubomirsky, 50% feeling happy determine by genetis, 10%
from situation and 40% from what we’re doing.
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