
Epithermal Gold Deposit

Characteristic, Processes, Products, and Interpretation


Noel C. White


SEG-MGEI Workshop, Mataram, Indonesia

November 2010

Epithermal gold deposits

A very important style of gold deposit

-can be very big:

1. lihir, PNG 170 Mt @3.5g/ton Au

2. porgera, PNG 85 Mt @5.8 g/ton Au, 33g/ton Ag


-can be very rich:

1. cripple creek, USA 630 ton Au in veins grading 15-30 g/ton

2. Hishikari, Japan 220 ton au, Honko veins 70 g/ton Au, 49 g/ton Au


Ephitermal gold deposits are very important economically.

Relative amount of gold

(> 5 Moz deposits, 1997)

50% Witwatersrand

12% Epithermal

10% Porphry (+ Intrusion Hosted)

12% Sediment Hosted (Incl. 4%”carlin”)

9% greenstone lode (orogenic)

7% Other ( Fe Fm, VHMS, etc)

Arribas, 2000


3 Categories Epitermal Deposit Gold

1.       Low Sulfidation’

2.       Intermediete Sulfidation’

3.       High Sulfidation

Ephithermal means :

Refers at deposit low temperature

Epizonal refers to deposit at shallow depth.


How to regocnize epitermal deposit with 2 points:

1.       Their characteristic mineral and textures

2.       Their characteristic hydrothermal alteration mineralogy and zoning

We can inferred that they

-          Formed at low temperature

(100-320, typically 170-280°C)

-          Developed at shallow crustal levels

( typically <1 km below the water table)


Origins of Deposits

1.       Magmatic

2.       Magmatic-Meteoric

3.       Meteoric



Neutral-pH, meteoric

Low Sulfidation

Acid-pH, magmatic

High Sulfidation

-banded veins

-brecia vein

-drusy cavites


-latice texture

-Vuggy quartz

-Massive quartz

-Massive sulfide veins

-Crudely banded veins



White and Hedenquist, 1995


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